Ageing in Pets – New diets

What your dog eats has a direct impact on how healthy and fit they feel, which is why choosing the right diet for your senior dog is very important. In this blog, we’ll talk you through some of the factors you need to consider as your dog ages and you design a new diet for them.

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Ageing in Pets: Keeping them fit

We’ve all seen the signs: your normally upbeat, preppy pup is slower to climb down the stairs. They’re not as excited about walks or play, and when you throw the ball, they run for it, but not as fast as they used to. In other words, your beloved pet is growing old and may want nothing more than to lie down and spend most of their day snoozing.

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Ageing in pets: Common diseases

Ageing is a natural process, and brings with it a host of age-related joint issues and diseases. No matter how young our pets may be at heart, their bodies are definitely getting older. Here’s what to look out for as your pet ages, and how to help them through these common diseases.

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Ageing in pets: Behavioural changes

As our beloved Kafka grows older, we’ve been forced to confront the many changes that come with ageing in pets. The process is gradual, but the changes do sneak up on you and can be surprising if you don’t know what to look out for.

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Dog sleeping positions: What they mean

Our loving pets may not be able to talk, but they have many ways of showing us how they feel—or indeed, what they’re thinking. One of the strangest insights into your dog’s personality and mood is… their sleeping positions. Yes, you read that right. How your dog sleeps is a great insight into what they’re feeling, and The Pet Project is here to help you decipher those various positions. Ready? Time to do some pet-mind reading!

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What to do if you’re spaying or neutering your pet

Welcome! You’ve taken the decision to spay or neuter your pet, and now you’re wondering: what’s next? If you haven’t taken a decision to spay or neuter your pet and you’re still undecided, then you’re looking for our blog “Should you neuter or spay your pet?”. We can’t promise it will clear the confusion, but it will give you all sides of the argument so that you feel better prepared to get into a vet’s office and have an open conversation about what they think is best for your beloved.

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Should you spay or neuter your pet?

It’s an age-old debate: should you or should you not spay or neuter your dog? Common wisdom seems to say you should—yet there’s research now that shows neutering may not always be the best option. The Pet Project wades into the debate to help you make a more informed decision.

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Household items that are poisonous for your pet

Our beloved pets are so integral to our lives, so much a part of our families, that it can be difficult to remember that a lot of what is normal to us is poisonous to them. Sure, we all know dogs cannot eat chocolate, but did you know your diffuser could be poisoning them? There is a whole list of things out there that can harm your pet and it pays to be vigilant.

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What You Should Know Before Travelling Abroad With Your Pet

Pandemic end days are almost here, and we can once again look forward to travelling internationally. For many people, the end of the pandemic means they can once again kickstart those plans they abandoned in 2020, and that includes travelling abroad.

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How to travel abroad with your pet

We are still living in a pandemic world, but travel restrictions are very slowly easing up. As vaccines roll out across the globe, there looks like there will finally be an end point to this pandemic. And that means that a lot of plans we kept on hold in 2020 are coming back to life.

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